
Having boobs and all that

Today a friend of mine said that he loves being a boy. I love being a girl, was my answer. Then he asked; "What's so great about being a girl?" I don't even know where to begin..

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...Girls can do whatever they'd like. Play dress up in the middle of the night, go crazy with each others make up, spend hundreds of dollars on shoes we barely can walk in. Laughing without any special reason, laughing at each other. Lying next to your best friend on the couch in comfortable silence. Then talk for hours and hours about everything. Help your friend over-analyze the message she got from the boy who's driving her crazy. Swear off boys, then swear on boys again. Listen to our favourite songs and dance around in our undies, have flowers in our hair. Cry over lost love. Getting toxicated on new love. Go shopping. Shop some more...

I could probably go on until the sun rises. There's really no boundaries. This weekend I'm actually attending a very girly event - a wedding. One of my good good girlfriends are getting hitched. I'll be back from this little romantic getaway this Sunday. Until then, rock on girls!



  1. Go crazy! d finnes iallfall ingenting mer romantisk enn bryllup;D fine bilder! skal du være i Ålesund heile båtfestivalen?

  2. I likez weddings. Stikker utover på fredagen hvertfall!What are the plans? Stine og Monica er klare som bare pokker.
