

I'm working late all week, and I don't feel inspired enough to blog early in the day. Life's crap btw. I guess I'll be back over the weekend or something.




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I'm just chilling on the couch. It's pretty nice.


Sommerfesten 09 at Giske is now over, and boy what a festival it was!

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First sight that met us when we arrived at Giske. Buffalo's. Wow. I just had to capture it while driving by. Paparazzi you say?
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Alexander Rybak scared the crap out of Charlotte and me when he jumped out on stage while the Margarets were playing. Please don't do that again.
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We spent the whole concert with Alexander Rybak talking about how freakishly scary he is. And how cocky he is when he says that one of his singles will be Norway's next national anthem. Wow #2. He really can play the fiddle though.
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Martin wasn't too happy when he discovered that his jacket twin suddenly stood right next to us.
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As you can see the festival area was pretty packed. At one time they announced that there were about 13 000 people there - and that was still pretty early in the night. No wonder cars where cued up all the way in to Ålesund.
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Suddenly Marit Larsen was on stage singing her icky cute lovesongs...
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... and all we could do was to drink more to keep our mood from dropping to the floor.
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Then Jan Eggum came and saved the day..
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... and between singing to songs like 'En natt forbi' we got all thoughtful, ..
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... stoked, ...

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... and cosy ...
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... especially this one guy, who attacked Charlotte with his tongue.
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There's just one word to describe this young boy: Casanova.
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It started raining pretty heavily later in the night, but the festival spirit was still as high as possible! Go Aafk? Finally one night they could achieve something positive.
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Festival love. Hrmpf says the single photographer. Just kidding. Not really. Haha.
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I ran into Vegard, and tried to copy his signature picture face ...
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... but failed, so we just tried to look cute in the next.
The night was most definitely worth the headache I'm having right now. Soundtrack: Sånn kan det gå - Jan Eggum, Fernando Lopez, Lars Vaular.



The weekend is finally here! I think the week passed by pretty fast actually. Tomorrow I'm going to the music festival on Giske, so therefore I'm taking it a bit easy tonight. Have an amazing one, guys!

Btw, I'm so hooked on this song!



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This tattoo is just perfect. I so want one!




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... but instead i'm collaging.



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These pics actually made my Tuesday much brighter. By looking at them I get the ultimate vacation feel, wanting to just hang around, doing whatever I desire. Spending my days just being me.
Luis Sanchis



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1. i think i need a longer vacation ..
2. .. where the sun is a bit more involved
3. i can't wait until my SLR arrives
4. i've sort of decided i'm going to cut off my hair
5. i'd like to spend my summer nights sipping wine with my girls
6. i want the last year of school to fly by so i finally can pursue my dream
7. i wouldn't kick you out if you showed up at my doorstep


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She's got it all. Just beautiful. Her style seems so effortless, but she always looks amazing.



Ocean king

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Yes, it's me. I just had to tell you today's story. We've been to the beach, hanging out in the sand. Suddenly this woman comes over to us saying; "Just so you know, there might come a moose up from the water soon". Eh, you said what? But do you know the worst part? About a half an hour later a moose swam by the beach ... Crazy. I guess it was just out for a short swim.

Sandefjords Blad


Hitting the road

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I'm driving off to Sandefjord in twenty minutes. With me are some clothes, drinks and good music. And my friend Rell, of course. I'll be back on Sunday, or maybe I get the chance to blog a little when I'm down there. If not, have a great one all!!

Party till the sun rises!



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Oh man. Haha, you and me babe.


Stockholm streets

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What is it about Stockholm and it's amazing street style? It seems that they can do nothing wrong. It's really inspiring.



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... just wanna have fun.

weheartit, fuckyeahprettygirls